Daily Devotion - July 15, 2024

daily devotion Jul 15, 2024

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

The independent spirit of a friend’s daughter resulted in a car accident. Because she had no means of paying for the damage or the ticket, her parents agreed to loan her needed money. 

They hoped the arrangement would teach lessons she needed to mature, but the daughter struggled with the required diligence and discipline of paying her parents back. 

A reminder of her responsibility resulted in an angry, “Mom and Dad, this is my problem. I just wish you would leave me alone, so that I can figure out a way to fix this.”

Said her father, “Sweetie, what we really want you to know is that, without us, you can’t fix it.”  

Our independent spirit sometimes leads us to try to solve life’s challenges and our sin our own way. Yet, God teaches we can do nothing apart from him that truly satisfies our hearts or solves our problems.

We need his grace to mop our messes and fix our problems. Amazingly he delights to do so to bring us to spiritual maturity. He provides his grace to turn us from our own resources, receive his forgiveness, and live the future of his heart’s design.

Prayer: Jesus, I naturally turn to my own resources, devices, and amends to address my problems and sins. Please help me to turn to you and to abide in Jesus by realizing I can do nothing to satisfy you or repair my soul apart from him.