Daily Devotion - June 26, 2023

daily devotion Jun 26, 2023

This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (Heb. 8:10)


Today, many people speak about marriage like this: “We’ll wed for as long as we both shall love; we’ll stay together as long as we can keep each other happy.” 

Such sentiments suggest that marriage is a contract to be terminated if its terms are violated. Yet, contrary to common perception, Christian marriage is not a mere contract. A Christian bride and groom take vows to enter a marriage covenant

A covenant is prior commitment to love even when present conditions are not what we desire. We commit to one another “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” 

The marriage covenant is meant to reflect God’s covenant with his people – his gracious promise to be their God, even when he knew they would fail and forsake him in many ways. 

Covenant love gives people security despite their sin, a foundation to start over again, and a willingness to forgive for the sake of another. 

A covenant relationship says: “Just because we struggle, doesn’t mean we’re done. I’m fully committed to you, and to working on what will heal us and make us better. My love is not based on your present performance but on my prior commitment.” 

That’s the love God’s covenant of grace establishes in our minds and hearts, and it is the grace he intends to secure the marriage of two sinners for their deepest joy and lasting love.


Prayer: Father, help me to reflect your covenant love for me in my marriage. Thank you for the security that comes from knowing love without conditions and beyond faults.