Daily Devotion - October 16, 2024

daily devotion Oct 16, 2024

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

When English missionary Ann Judson accompanied her husband, Adoniram, to Burma, she could not have predicted how important she would be in reaching millions with the gospel. Nor could she have anticipated the degree of sacrifice her usefulness would require.

When tensions arose between England and Burma, Adoniram was imprisoned in horrible circumstances. Ann helped him survive with visits that were dangerous to her. She would smuggle morsels of food and lift his spirits with the whispered: “Do not give up. God will give us victory.” When hope died in others, and Ann herself became deathly ill, the words of Ann kept Adoniram alive.

When Ann passed from this life into glory, Adoniram Judson took her words as a charge from God to keep sharing the good news of the gospel of grace. Adoniram’s ministry and translation work ultimately reached millions. They were the spiritual children of Ann Judson who knew the peace and power of Jesus’ words “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Prayer: Father, thank you for giving us the promise that Jesus’ purposes will triumph despite the troubles of this world. Help me to live for him, knowing that his purposes will prevail. Our trials will end but his triumph will not.