Daily Devotion - October 7, 2024

daily devotion Oct 07, 2024

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Cor. 10:13)

The Apostle Paul writes to people like us who have been tempted by the world’s traps and snares to think there is no way out! He assures us instead, “When you are tempted, God will provide an escape.”

Not only does God promise this escape from temptation, but he also promises escape from debilitating shame. Our tendency is to think, “The reason that I am so tempted is that I am weak and weird. If I were a mature person – a real Christian – then I would not be tempted this way.

Instead, the apostle assures each of us that we are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of others across the ages and across the world who struggle with similar things. Don’t let Satan weaken you with the shame of believing that you are so unique or weird or awful that God’s grace cannot help you.

The assurance of a way of escape from temptation to multitudes of persons like us also keeps us from creating our own exclusion clause from seeking God’s help and obeying his commands. 

God says, “Others have struggled like you, and have found victory in my provision. So can you.” That assurance enables us to overcome our weaknesses and turn away from our temptations.

Believe that these promises of God are real. Then you will have power to fight your temptations and flee to the escape he graciously provides.

Prayer: Lord, when I am tempted, enable me to believe you will provide a way of escape, to believe you will give me strength to take it, and to run through it!